
Friday, April 13, 2012

Cyborge Part 5: Cylak Upgrades

As John stops the darkness, all of the negative energy from the darkness returns to Cylak. With this energy, Cylak can make his self seen on Earth as a spirit. He also finds out that he has cell regeneration so he can heal at a fast rate. When he found out that the Cyborges are almost at Omega, he stands up and lighting flashes in his eyes. He can't believe the Cyborges got past all of the outposts. Cylak points his finger at the messenger, and a powerful force holds the messenger against the wall, and lightning from Cylak's eyes kills the messenger instantly. When Cylak looks at some of his soldiers, they promptly respond "YES MY LORD". Cylak asked why they said that, and they responded they was taking the orders from him. Then he finds out that he has the power to cloud another persons mind. Cylak learns his new powers very well...

John studies his power , and trains daily to sharpen his skills. Soon he learns how to turn into a spirit form and follows the last of the darkness to the planet Omega. When John arrives on Omega, he can't believe that the whole planet was one big city. John finds Cylak, and tries to reason with him. But Cylak lets him know that he plans to enslave all planets, and use all of their resources to save planet Omega. Then Cylak says that John is lucky that he is in the form of a spirit, because he would kill him on the spot just for being so ugly. John tells Cylak that if his army comes to Earth that he kill them all with out a second thought. Cylak was not scared nor impressed, for John did not know the powers he has, and John was thinking the same thing. The word of John soon reached the other planets that are under Cylak's rule.

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